
For iOS users, please check the following steps:

1. Add

Download from following link, unzip and place it into your project

2. Add URL Scheme

Setup URL scheme in Xcode: Goto "Project->TARGETS->info->URL Types", click "add icon".

For example, use 'demoscheme' as follows

This configuration will generate a deeplink for MYKEY callback, which will be used in MYKEK SDK initialization. See initWalletSimple.

3. Add LSApplicationQueriesSchemes

Add one more option on "LSApplicationQueriesSchemes" in info.plist, the value is "mykey"

4. Set "Enable Bitcode"

Set "Enable Bitcode" to "false" in Build settings

5. Note

This library is using swift code, if your application is Objective-C project will need some special configuration on file Bridging-Header.h. If this file does not exist, please create an empty file Empty.swift, the project will generate Bridging-Header.h automatically.

Last updated