For better security, dapp can set CallBackUrl for server-side verification.
MYKEY will post the signed data to CallBackUrl which provided by dapp, server-side of DApp should verify the signature, dapp server should query the user's ReserveKey from MYKEY SmartContract data to verify the signature, see detail in KEYS in MYKEY.
The format of the data post to CallBackUrl:
{"protocol":"",// protocol name,Use init method, protocol name is 'MYKEY', use initSimple to init, protocol name is 'MYKEYSimple'"version":"",// Version,1.0"dapp_key":"",// DAPP_KEY assigned by MYKEY,contact MYKEY team to apply. In simple mode, it is null"uuID":"",// user id,dapp passed it in init method;In simple mode, it is device id"sign":"",// eos signature, sign data:timestamp + account + uuID + ref"ref":"",// ref, mykey"timestamp":"",// UNIX timestamp, accurate to second"account":"",// eos account name"chain":""// value could be ANY, EOS, ETH,or not pass this param}
Verify signature:
MYKEY will return mykeyUID and mykeyUIDSignature fields. mykeyUID is the unique identifier for users in MYKEY.
// generate unsigned datalet message =hex(timestamp + account + uuID + ref)let unsignedData ="\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n"+message.length+ message// generate unsigned data for mykeyUIDlet messageForMykeyUID = timestamp + account + uuID + ref + mykeyUIDlet unsignedDataForMykeyUID ="\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n"+messageForMykeyUID.length+ messageForMykeyUID
// generate unsigned datalet unsignedData = timestamp + account + uuID + ref// use ReserveKey to verify signatureecc.verify(signature, unsignedData, pubkey) ===true// generate unsinged data for mykeyIdlet unsignedDataForMykeyId = timestamp + account + uuID + ref + mykeyId// use ReserveKey to verify mykeyId signatureecc.verify(signature, unsignedDataForMykeyId, pubkey) ===true
Response format:
{"account": "MYKEY Account","chain": "EOS",//EOS or ETH"dappKey": "xxxxxxxxx",//MYKEY is used for communication encryption, DAPP can ignore it"dappUserId": "xxxxxx",//MYKEY is used for communication encryption, DAPP can ignore it"mykeyUID": "xxxxxxxxx",//User's unique ID in MYKEY"accountType": 1,//1: Account with emergency contact, 2: Account without emergency contact//The signature of mykeyUID, in order to ensure that mykeyUID cannot be tampered with. The signature format is: unsignedData = timestamp + account + uuID + ref + mykeyUID"mykeyUIDSignature": "SIG_K1_K6AnPSrBfsmoTjo9Dec4QgZPKLHenhPm1rmrsNNN5sxhoa2ERQ7jySYb1NKqG5LrafTRBDe2fAEJkD1xMWYaUQYuygJbL3","origin": "mykey","protocol": "MYKEYSimple","pubKey": "EOS7FDwQ3Jkxu4dCJnAMJ3Na2V4GYL9YcwGCkhCp6cvTjjtLW5ZGA",//用户的ReservedKey//Signature, the signature format is: unsignedData = timestamp + account + uuID + ref"signature": "SIG_K1_KfD3MdkVRaShXCBvpi3ueLZwUZtUQyqyCS5V2EDhudfXxHvxvS7fSwZHo7aSs7WXLjfLezpThaEbFbk2yafUTzR53kwc2x","timestamp": 1585650292,"version": "1.0"}
AuthorizeRequest authorizeRequest =newAuthorizeRequest()// chain could be ANY, EOS, and ETH. EOS is the default value. If it's ANY, MYKEY will try EOS first, then ETH to return an account.setChain(ChainCons.EOS) .setUserName("bobbobbobbob") //userName is Optional// DApp CallbackUrl// param:{"protocol": "", "version": "", "dapp_key": "", "uuID": "", "public_key": "", "sign": "", "ref": "", "timestamp": "", "account": ""}// return: same as SimpleWallet {"code": [0-2], "message": ""}.setCallbackUrl(Config.DAPP_CALLBACK_URL).setInfo("Perform the binding of dapp and MYKEY");MYKEYSdk.getInstance().authorize(authorizeRequest,newMYKEYWalletCallback() {@OverridepublicvoidonSuccess(String dataJson) {// dataJson:{"protocol": "", "version": "", "dapp_key": "", "uuID": "", "public_key": "", "sign": "", "ref": "", "timestamp": "", "account": ""}LogUtil.e(TAG,"onSuccess");Toast.makeText(activity,"success",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();// DApp server query whether the binding is succussful}@OverridepublicvoidonError(String payloadJson) {// payloadJson: {"errorCode":,"errorMsg":""}LogUtil.e(TAG,"onError payloadJson:"+ payloadJson);Toast.makeText(activity,"error,payloadJson:"+ payloadJson,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();}@OverridepublicvoidonCancel() {LogUtil.e(TAG,"cancel");Toast.makeText(activity,"cancelled",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); }});