SimpleWallet Protocol Compatible

Sample code for redirect to MYKEY

Reminder: In Android client, for avoid conflict with other wallets, developer can use following code to rediect to MYKEY precisely through set the MYKEY packge name:

try {
    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url));
} catch (Exception e) {

Login and Transfer

MYKEY follows the SimpleWallet protocol implementation. See the following document for details:

Beside support login and transfer of SimpleWallet specification,MYKEY also additionally supports contract and signature method.

Special Notice: MYKEY account structure is different with other EOS account, if dapp verify signature in their server side, should use the public key of Reserved, more details see this Document

Call Contract

Sequence diagram for Mobile applcaiton wake up

Please pass the data to MYKEY as follows, the data format is json:

// Contract call data format

    protocol    string   // protocol name,use "SimpleWallet" by default
    version     string   // protocol version, e.g. "1.0"
    action      string   // action type, use "transaction"
    dappName    string   // DApp name
    dappIcon    string   // DApp icon url
    desc        string   // Semantic description of MYKEY display to the user contract call
    callback    string   // Deeplink MYKEY callback to DApp, e.g. custom://
    notifyUrl   string   // The callback URL endpoint of DAppServer for receive success notification from MYKEY
    actions [  // Arrary of contact actions, include transfer and non-transfer actions
      { // non-transfer
          account   string // contract code name
          name      string // contract action name
          info      string // Semantic description of MYKEY display to the user about this action
          data      object // The parameter object passed according to the contract abi definition e.g. {key1: value1, key2: value2 }
      { // transfer
          account   string //  contract code name
          name      string // contract action name
          info      string // Semantic description of MYKEY display to the user about this action
          TransferDataRequest {
            from     string // From
            to       string // To
            quantity string // Amount and Symbol,e.g. "1.0000 EOS"
            memo     string // Memo
    expired        number   // Only in web QR code mode, expire date,unix timestamp


Sequence diagram for Mobile applcaiton wake up

Please pass the data to MYKEY as follows, the data format is json:

// Sign call data format
    protocol    string   // protocol name,use "SimpleWallet" by default
    version     string   // protocol version, e.g. "1.0"
    action      string   // action type, use "sign"
    dappName    string   // DApp name
    dappIcon    string   // DApp icon url
    desc        string   // Semantic description of MYKEY display to the user contract call
    message     string   // Unsigned messages
    callback    string   // Deeplink MYKEY callback to DApp, e.g. custom://
    notifyUrl   string   // The callback URL endpoint of DAppServer for receive success notification from MYKEY
    expired     number   // Only in web QR code mode, expire date,unix timestamp

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