Account Storage Module

Account Storage Module stores data of every MYKEY account, including a set of public keys, emergency contacts, delayed actions and multi-sig proposals. Only invocations sent from Logic Module are allowed to call get/set functions in Account Storage Module.


function initAccount(): initialization of account storage function getKeyData(): get key data function setKeyData(): set key data function getBackupAddress(): get address of emergency contact function getBackupEffectiveDate(): get effective time of emergency contact function getBackupExpiryDate(): get expiry time of emergency contact function setBackup(): set data of emergency contact function clearBackupData(): remove an emergency contact function getDelayDataHash(): get hash of delayed item function getDelayDueTime(): get due time of delayed item function setDelayData(): set delayed item function clearDelayData(): remove a delayed item function getProposalDataHash(): get hash of proposal data function getProposalDataApproval(): get approvals of proposal function setProposalData(): set a proposal function clearProposalData(): remove a proposal

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